Your Roadmap to Success

Do you choose success but don’t know where to begin or what has been missing? Achieve the results you desire using the key strategies of focus, specific disciplines and accountability. This book teaches step-by-step a proven system to create the results you desire—not by working harder but by working in a focused, productive way. The LASERFocus™ system will save you time and frustration.

Get the Free Forms

If you’re already following the path to success laid out in Being LASERFocused: Your Roadmap to Success and want to take advantage of the free forms included in the book, click below to download them now!

Freedom To Do What You Want, When You Want

How does that sound? Using the ‘Precious 5’ offers a system to be productive as you build your business. The duality: discipline brings freedom.

Save Time

By zeroing in on the right activities.

Increase Productivity

Get more results for the same amount of effort.

Know Your Game Plan

and work it with LASERFocus™.

Have A Duplicatable System

that works for you and your team.

Have Time Freedom

and results-filled days.

Be In Control

of every action you take.

My goal was to become a Gold Director in my company, without an upline or anyone else in my business to refer to I felt almost helpless. During one of the International Convention my eyes fell on this book Being LASERFocused™, it was a small book, something I could read on the plane back to Australia.

This wonderful, inspirational book, became my guide, my upline, my accountability partner all in one short book. I printed all the forms to go with the book. I became LASERFocused™ and I achieved Gold Director.

Susanne I’m about to set my goal to go Ruby in June, before Convention, my well worn book is on my bedside table……I am ready.

I have told many about your book here in Australia, I just wish everyone could have a copy. The Roadmap to Success is easy to follow once the decision has been made.

Annette Rossi

Gold Director, USANA

I love Your Roadmap to Success methodology because it is action oriented: accountability, friendly team competition and training are built into it. I recommend Your Roadmap to Successto all associates.
Sheila Dancho

Emerald Director, USANA

Your Roadmap to Success is a step-by-step approach which makes building your USANA business and training your associates a lot simpler. Try it out – you won’t be disappointed!
Vern Bond

Gold Director, USANA

Your Roadmap to Success was a key to moving my business ahead. It provides the basic fundamentals on what it takes to build this business and was very easy to use. This is a tool that everyone can use no matter where they are in their business as it brings us back to basics.
Shelli Paolucci

Director, USANA

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